240 lines
7.4 KiB
240 lines
7.4 KiB
* Tibia
* Copyright (C) 2024 Orastron Srl unipersonale
* Tibia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Tibia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tibia. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* File author: Stefano D'Angelo, Paolo Marrone
#include "vinci.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
void *widget;
vinci *vinci;
window *window;
int param_down;
float gain;
float delay;
float cutoff;
char bypass;
float y_z1;
plugin_ui_callbacks cbs;
} plugin_ui;
#define WIDTH 600.0
#define HEIGHT 400.0
static void plugin_ui_get_default_size(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height) {
*width = WIDTH;
*height = HEIGHT;
static void draw_rect(window *w, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t color) {
uint32_t *data = (uint32_t*) malloc(width * height * 4);
uint32_t p = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < width; j++, p++)
data[p] = color;
window_draw(w, (unsigned char*)data, 0, 0, width, height, x, y, width, height);
static void draw_slider(plugin_ui *pui, int id, float value) {
const int w = window_get_width(pui->window);
const int h = window_get_height(pui->window);
draw_rect(pui->window, 0.1 * w, 0.15 * (id + 1) * h, 0.8 * w * value, 0.1 * h, 0x6789ab);
draw_rect(pui->window, 0.1 * w + 0.8 * w * value, 0.15 * (id + 1) * h, 0.8 * w * (1.f - value), 0.1 * h, 0x1223bc);
static void draw_button(plugin_ui *pui, int id, char value) {
const int w = window_get_width(pui->window);
const int h = window_get_height(pui->window);
draw_rect(pui->window, 0.4 * w, 0.15 * (id + 1) * h, 0.2 * w, 0.1 * h, value ? 0x6789ab : 0x1223bc);
static void on_close(window *w) {
printf("on_close %p \n", (void*)w); fflush(stdout);
static void on_mouse_press (window *win, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t state) {
(void) state;
plugin_ui *pui = (plugin_ui*) window_get_data(win);
const int w = window_get_width(win);
const int h = window_get_height(win);
if (x >= 0.1 * w && x <= 0.9 * w && y >= 0.15 * h && y <= 0.25 * h) {
pui->param_down = 0;
pui->gain = (float)((x - (0.1 * w)) / (0.8 * w));
pui->cbs.set_parameter_begin(pui->cbs.handle, 0, -60.f + 80.f * pui->gain);
draw_slider(pui, 0, pui->gain);
} else if (x >= 0.1 * w && x <= 0.9 * w && y >= 0.3 * h && y <= 0.4 * h) {
pui->param_down = 1;
pui->delay = (float)((x - (0.1 * w)) / (0.8 * w));
pui->cbs.set_parameter_begin(pui->cbs.handle, 1, 1000.f * pui->delay);
draw_slider(pui, 1, pui->delay);
} else if (x >= 0.1 * w && x <= 0.9 * w && y >= 0.45 * h && y <= 0.55 * h) {
pui->param_down = 2;
pui->cutoff = (float)((x - (0.1 * w)) / (0.8 * w));
pui->cbs.set_parameter_begin(pui->cbs.handle, 2, (632.4555320336746f * pui->cutoff + 20.653108640674372f) / (1.0326554320337158f - pui->cutoff));
draw_slider(pui, 2, pui->cutoff);
} else if (x >= 0.4 * w && x <= 0.6 * w && y >= 0.6 * h && y <= 0.7 * h) {
pui->param_down = 4;
static void on_mouse_release (window *win, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t state) {
(void) state;
plugin_ui *pui = (plugin_ui*) window_get_data(win);
const int w = window_get_width(win);
const int h = window_get_height(win);
if (pui->param_down == 4)
if (x >= 0.4 * w && x <= 0.6 * w && y >= 0.6 * h && y <= 0.7 * h) {
pui->bypass = !pui->bypass;
pui->cbs.set_parameter(pui->cbs.handle, 3, pui->bypass ? 1.f : 0.f);
draw_button(pui, 3, pui->bypass);
if (pui->param_down != -1) {
float v = x < 0.1 * w ? 0.f : (x > 0.9 * w ? 1.f : (float)((x - (0.1 * w)) / (0.8 * w)));
switch (pui->param_down) {
case 0:
pui->gain = v;
pui->cbs.set_parameter_end(pui->cbs.handle, 0, -60.f + 80.f * pui->gain);
draw_slider(pui, 0, pui->gain);
case 1:
pui->delay = v;
pui->cbs.set_parameter_end(pui->cbs.handle, 1, 1000.f * pui->delay);
draw_slider(pui, 1, pui->delay);
case 2:
pui->cutoff = v;
pui->cbs.set_parameter_end(pui->cbs.handle, 2, (632.4555320336746f * pui->cutoff + 20.653108640674372f) / (1.0326554320337158f - pui->cutoff));
draw_slider(pui, 2, pui->cutoff);
pui->param_down = -1;
static void on_mouse_move (window *win, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t state) {
(void) y;
(void) state;
plugin_ui *pui = (plugin_ui*) window_get_data(win);
const int w = window_get_width(win);
float v = x < 0.1 * w ? 0.f : (x > 0.9 * w ? 1.f : (float)((x - (0.1 * w)) / (0.8 * w)));
switch (pui->param_down) {
case 0:
pui->gain = v;
pui->cbs.set_parameter(pui->cbs.handle, 0, -60.f + 80.f * pui->gain);
draw_slider(pui, 0, pui->gain);
case 1:
pui->delay = v;
pui->cbs.set_parameter(pui->cbs.handle, 1, 1000.f * pui->delay);
draw_slider(pui, 1, pui->delay);
case 2:
pui->cutoff = v;
pui->cbs.set_parameter(pui->cbs.handle, 2, (632.4555320336746f * pui->cutoff + 20.653108640674372f) / (1.0326554320337158f - pui->cutoff));
draw_slider(pui, 2, pui->cutoff);
static void on_window_resize (window *w, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
draw_rect(w, 0, 0, width, height, 0xff9999);
plugin_ui *pui = (plugin_ui*) window_get_data(w);
draw_slider(pui, 0, pui->gain);
draw_slider(pui, 1, pui->delay);
draw_slider(pui, 2, pui->cutoff);
draw_button(pui, 3, pui->bypass);
draw_slider(pui, 4, pui->y_z1);
static plugin_ui *plugin_ui_create(char has_parent, void *parent, plugin_ui_callbacks *cbs) {
plugin_ui *instance = malloc(sizeof(plugin_ui));
if (instance == NULL)
return NULL;
struct window_cbs wcbs;
memset(&wcbs, 0, sizeof(window_cbs));
wcbs.on_window_close = on_close;
wcbs.on_mouse_press = on_mouse_press;
wcbs.on_mouse_release = on_mouse_release;
wcbs.on_mouse_move = on_mouse_move;
wcbs.on_window_resize = on_window_resize;
instance->param_down = -1;
instance->vinci = vinci_new();
instance->window = window_new(instance->vinci, has_parent ? parent : NULL, WIDTH, HEIGHT, &wcbs);
instance->widget = window_get_handle(instance->window);
window_set_data(instance->window, (void*) instance);
on_window_resize(instance->window, window_get_width(instance->window), window_get_height(instance->window));
instance->cbs = *cbs;
return instance;
static void plugin_ui_free(plugin_ui *instance) {
static void plugin_ui_idle(plugin_ui *instance) {
static void plugin_ui_set_parameter(plugin_ui *instance, size_t index, float value) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
instance->gain = 0.0125f * value + 0.75f;
draw_slider(instance, 0, instance->gain);
case 1:
instance->delay = 0.001f * value;
draw_slider(instance, 1, instance->delay);
case 2:
// (bad) approx log unmap
instance->cutoff = (1.0326554320337176f * value - 20.65310864067435f) / (value + 632.4555320336754f);
draw_slider(instance, 2, instance->cutoff);
case 3:
instance->bypass = value >= 0.5f;
draw_button(instance, 3, instance->bypass);
case 4:
instance->y_z1 = 0.5f * value + 0.5f;
draw_slider(instance, 4, instance->y_z1);