Compare commits


No commits in common. "b0c213ac270e1f52f1e161b6f6162d35cbcd81bc" and "e6bfa583a6d02fc57ecf6a76b2071b86bcefbef8" have entirely different histories.

12 changed files with 51 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ company {
LV2: manifest.ttl doap:maintainer foaf:name LV2: manifest.ttl doap:maintainer foaf:name
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
url: url:
VST3: PFactoryInfo.url VST3: PFactoryInfo.url
LV2: manifest.ttl doap:maintainer rdfs:seeAlso LV2: manifest.ttl doap:maintainer rdfs:seeAlso
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
email: email:
LV2: manifest.ttl doap:maintainer foaf:mbox LV2: manifest.ttl doap:maintainer foaf:mbox
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
} }
product { product {
@ -28,29 +28,29 @@ product {
LV2: manifest.ttl plugin doap:name LV2: manifest.ttl plugin doap:name
web: web-demo <title> and <h1> web: web-demo <title> and <h1>
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: index.html <title>, AndroidManifest.xml <application> <activity> android:label
ios: index.html <title> ios: index.html <title>
android: index.html <title>, AndroidManifest.xml <application> <activity> android:label
version: version:
VST3: PClassInfo{2,W}.version (first 3 numbers) VST3: PClassInfo{2,W}.version (first 3 numbers)
LV2: not used LV2: not used
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
buildVersion: buildVersion:
VST3: PClassInfo{2,W}.version (last number) VST3: PClassInfo{2,W}.version (last number)
LV2: not used LV2: not used
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
bundleName: bundleName:
VST3: plugin folder name, plugin .dll name, Info.plist VST3: plugin folder name, plugin .dll name, Info.plist
LV2: plugin folder name, plugin .dll name, manifest.ttl plugin lv2:binary LV2: plugin folder name, plugin .dll name, manifest.ttl plugin lv2:binary
web: registerProcessor(), output file names web: registerProcessor(), output file names
cmd: executable file name cmd: executable file name
ios: project.yml name/target, BUNDLE_NAME
android: .so/.apk filenames android: .so/.apk filenames
ios: xcodegen name and target name, xcodeproj filename
buses: [ buses: [
{ {
name: name:
@ -59,80 +59,80 @@ product {
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:name LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:name
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
shortName: shortName:
bus short name string, required bus short name string, required
VST3: not used VST3: not used
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:shortName LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:shortName
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
id: id:
bus unique id string, required bus unique id string, required
VST3; not used VST3; not used
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:symbol (resulting ports can have _l or _r appended) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:symbol (resulting ports can have _l or _r appended)
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
direction: direction:
"input" or "output", required "input" or "output", required
VST3: BusInfo flags - lots of implications VST3: BusInfo flags - lots of implications
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port a - lots of implications LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port a - lots of implications
web: AudioWorkletNode.{numberOfInputs,numberOfOutputs,outputChannelCount} - lots of implications web: AudioWorkletNode.{numberOfInputs,numberOfOutputs,outputChannelCount} - lots of implications
cmd: lots of places cmd: lots of places
android: lots of places
ios: data.h, index.html ios: data.h, index.html
android: lots of places
type: type:
"audio" or "midi", required "audio" or "midi", required
VST3: BusInfo mediaType, ParameterInfo (channel pressure, pitch bend params) - lots of implications VST3: BusInfo mediaType, ParameterInfo (channel pressure, pitch bend params) - lots of implications
LV2: lots of implications everywhere LV2: lots of implications everywhere
web: AudioWorkletNode.{numberOfInputs,numberOfOutputs,outputChannelCount} - lots of implications web: AudioWorkletNode.{numberOfInputs,numberOfOutputs,outputChannelCount} - lots of implications
cmd: lots of places cmd: lots of places
android: lots of places
ios: data.h, index.html ios: data.h, index.html
android: lots of places
channels: channels:
"mono" or "stereo", audio type only, required "mono" or "stereo", audio type only, required
VST3: BusInfo channelCount, plugin get/set bus arrangements VST3: BusInfo channelCount, plugin get/set bus arrangements
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port - lots of implications LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port - lots of implications
web: AudioWorkletNode.outputChannelCount - lots of implications web: AudioWorkletNode.outputChannelCount - lots of implications
cmd: lots of places cmd: lots of places
android: lots of places
ios: data.h ios: data.h
android: lots of places
sidechain: sidechain:
bus is not part of main audio path (sidechain)? boolean, default false bus is not part of main audio path (sidechain)? boolean, default false
VST3: BusInfo busType VST3: BusInfo busType
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:isSideChain LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:isSideChain
web: web-demo choice of audio I/O buses web: web-demo choice of audio I/O buses
cmd: choice of audio I/O buses cmd: choice of audio I/O buses
android: choice of audio I/O buses
ios: choice of audio I/O buses ios: choice of audio I/O buses
android: choice of audio I/O buses
cv: cv:
bus is control voltage audio-rate? boolean, audio type only, default false bus is control voltage audio-rate? boolean, audio type only, default false
VST3: BusInfo flags VST3: BusInfo flags
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port a lv2:CVPort LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port a lv2:CVPort
web: web-demo choice of audio I/O buses web: web-demo choice of audio I/O buses
cmd: choice of audio I/O buses cmd: choice of audio I/O buses
android: choice of audio I/O buses
ios: choice of audio I/O buses ios: choice of audio I/O buses
android: choice of audio I/O buses
control: control:
bus is the "primary control channel" (send cmds, receive responses)? boolean, midi type only, default false bus is the "primary control channel" (send cmds, receive responses)? boolean, midi type only, default false
VST3: not used VST3: not used
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:designation lv2:control LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:designation lv2:control
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
optional: optional:
bus is optionally connected? boolean, default false bus is optionally connected? boolean, default false
VST3: BusInfo flags, plugin initialize, activate bus, set active VST3: BusInfo flags, plugin initialize, activate bus, set active
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:connectionOptional LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:connectionOptional
web: not used web: not used
cmd: whether to pass NULLs if not chosen audio I/O buses cmd: whether to pass NULLs if not chosen audio I/O buses
android: whether to pass NULLs if not chosen audio I/O buses
ios: whether to pass NULLs if not chosen audio I/O buses ios: whether to pass NULLs if not chosen audio I/O buses
android: whether to pass NULLs if not chosen audio I/O buses
} }
] ]
parameters: [ parameters: [
@ -143,40 +143,40 @@ product {
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:name LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:name
web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, web-demo <label> web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, web-demo <label>
cmd: not used cmd: not used
ios: index.html
android: index.html <label> android: index.html <label>
ios: index.html <label>
shortName: shortName:
parameter short name string, required parameter short name string, required
VST3: ParameterInfo shortTitle VST3: ParameterInfo shortTitle
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:shortName LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:shortName
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
id: id:
parameter unique id string, required parameter unique id string, required
VST3; not used VST3; not used
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:symbol (bypass ports used "enabled") LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:symbol (bypass ports used "enabled")
web: not used web: not used
cmd: command line parameter name etc. cmd: command line parameter name etc.
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
direction: direction:
"input" or "output", required "input" or "output", required
VST3: ParameterInfo flags - lots of implications VST3: ParameterInfo flags - lots of implications
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port a - lots of implications LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port a - lots of implications
web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, web-demo <range> readonly/input listener - lots of implications web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, web-demo <range> readonly/input listener - lots of implications
cmd: lots of places cmd: lots of places
android: lots of places
ios: data.h, index.html ios: data.h, index.html
android: lots of places
isBypass: isBypass:
parameter is bypass/enabled? boolean - lots of implications, default false parameter is bypass/enabled? boolean - lots of implications, default false
VST3: ParameterInfo, controller get/set parameter/state VST3: ParameterInfo, controller get/set parameter/state
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port, run() (set parameter) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port, run() (set parameter)
web: AudoWorkletProcessor.process(), web-demo <range> min/max/step web: AudoWorkletProcessor.process(), web-demo <range> min/max/step
cmd: set parameter cmd: set parameter
ios: set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step
android: JNI set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step android: JNI set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step
ios: native set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step
isLatency: isLatency:
parameter is latency output? boolean - lots of implications, default false parameter is latency output? boolean - lots of implications, default false
@ -191,56 +191,56 @@ product {
LV2: data.h, lv2.c LV2: data.h, lv2.c
web: processor.js web: processor.js
cmd: TODO cmd: TODO
android: data.h jni.cpp
ios: data.h ios: data.h
android: data.h jni.cpp
defaultValue: defaultValue:
default value, number, mapped, required for non-bypass default value, number, mapped, required for non-bypass
VST3: ParameterInfo defaultNormalizedValue, controller initialize VST3: ParameterInfo defaultNormalizedValue, controller initialize
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:default, activate() (set initial parameter) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:default, activate() (set initial parameter)
web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, processor_new(), web-demo initial <range> value and value <span> innerText web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, processor_new(), web-demo initial <range> value and value <span> innerText
cmd: default parameter value cmd: default parameter value
ios: set parameter initial value, index.html initial <range> value
android: JNI set parameter initial value, index.html initial <range> value android: JNI set parameter initial value, index.html initial <range> value
ios: native set parameter initial value, index.html initial <range> value
minimum: minimum:
minimum value, number, mapped, required for non-bypass minimum value, number, mapped, required for non-bypass
VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, defaultNormalizedValue, controller get/set parameter (value clamped) VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, defaultNormalizedValue, controller get/set parameter (value clamped)
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:minimum, run() (set parameter, value clamped) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:minimum, run() (set parameter, value clamped)
web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, AudioWorkletProcessor.process() (value clamped), web-demo <range> mapping web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, AudioWorkletProcessor.process() (value clamped), web-demo <range> mapping
cmd: set parameter (value clamped) cmd: set parameter (value clamped)
ios: set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping
android: JNI set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping android: JNI set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping
ios: native set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping
maximum: maximum:
maximum value, number, mapped, required for non-bypass maximum value, number, mapped, required for non-bypass
VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, defaultNormalizedValue, controller get/set parameter (value clamped) VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, defaultNormalizedValue, controller get/set parameter (value clamped)
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:maximum, run() (set parameter, value clamped) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:maximum, run() (set parameter, value clamped)
web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, AudioWorkletProcessor.process() (value clamped), web-demo <range> mapping web: AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptors, AudioWorkletProcessor.process() (value clamped), web-demo <range> mapping
cmd: set parameter (value clamped) cmd: set parameter (value clamped)
ios: set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping
android: JNI set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping android: JNI set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping
ios: native set parameter (value clamped), index.html <range> mapping
toggled: toggled:
parameter is on/off? boolean, default false parameter is on/off? boolean, default false
VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, controller set parameter/state VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, controller set parameter/state
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:toggled, run() (set parameter) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:toggled, run() (set parameter)
web: AudoWorkletProcessor.process(), web-demo <range> min/max/step web: AudoWorkletProcessor.process(), web-demo <range> min/max/step
cmd: set parameter cmd: set parameter
ios: set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step
android: JNI set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step android: JNI set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step
ios: native set parameter, index.html <range> min/max/step
optional: optional:
parameter is optionally connected? boolean, default false parameter is optionally connected? boolean, default false
VST3: not used VST3: not used
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:connectionOptional LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:connectionOptional
web: not used web: not used
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: not used
ios: not used ios: not used
android: not used
integer: integer:
parameter values are integers? boolean, default false parameter values are integers? boolean, default false
VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, controller set parameter/state VST3: ParameterInfo stepCount, controller set parameter/state
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:integer, run() (set parameter) LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty lv2:integer, run() (set parameter)
web: AudoWorkletProcessor.process(), web-demo <range> step web: AudoWorkletProcessor.process(), web-demo <range> step
cmd: set parameter cmd: set parameter
ios: set parameter, index.html <range> step
android: JNI set parameter, index.html <range> step android: JNI set parameter, index.html <range> step
ios: native set parameter, index.html <range> step
scalePoints: scalePoints:
{ "label1": value1, "label2", value2, ... } { "label1": value1, "label2", value2, ... }
labeled values, default none labeled values, default none
@ -248,32 +248,32 @@ product {
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:scalePoint LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:scalePoint
web: not (yet) used web: not (yet) used
cmd: not (yet) used cmd: not (yet) used
android: not (yet) used
ios: not (yet) used ios: not (yet) used
android: not (yet) used
list: list:
parameter is a list (using scalePoints values)? default false parameter is a list (using scalePoints values)? default false
VST3: TBD (+approx to closest?) VST3: TBD (+approx to closest?)
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:enumeration - run() (set parameter) TBD? LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:enumeration - run() (set parameter) TBD?
web: TBD (approx to closest? dropdown? both?) web: TBD (approx to closest? dropdown? both?)
cmd: not (yet) used cmd: not (yet) used
android: not (yet) used
ios: not (yet) used ios: not (yet) used
android: not (yet) used
unit: unit:
unit of measure (from predefined list, see tibia-index.js), default "" unit of measure (from predefined list, see tibia-index.js), default ""
VST3: ParameterInfo units VST3: ParameterInfo units
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port units:unit LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port units:unit
web: web-demo value <span> innerText web: web-demo value <span> innerText
cmd: not (yet) used cmd: not (yet) used
android: not (yet) used
ios: not (yet) used ios: not (yet) used
android: not (yet) used
map: map:
"linear" vs "logarithmic" "linear" vs "logarithmic"
VST3: many places (requires libm) VST3: many places (requires libm)
LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty pprops:logarithmic LV2: manifest.ttl lv2:port lv2:portProperty pprops:logarithmic
web: web-demo <range> values web: web-demo <range> values
cmd: not used cmd: not used
android: index.html <range> values
ios: index.html <range> values ios: index.html <range> values
android: index.html <range> values
} }
] ]
} }

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
* Tibia
* Copyright (C) 2024 Orastron Srl unipersonale
* Tibia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Tibia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tibia. If not, see <>.
* File author: Stefano D'Angelo
#ifndef PLUGIN_API_H
#define PLUGIN_API_H
typedef struct {
void * handle;
const char * format;
const char * (*get_bindir)(void *handle);
const char * (*get_datadir)(void *handle);
} plugin_callbacks;
typedef struct {
void * handle;
const char * format;
const char * (*get_bindir)(void *handle);
const char * (*get_datadir)(void *handle);
void (*set_parameter_begin)(void *handle, size_t index);
void (*set_parameter)(void *handle, size_t index, float value);
void (*set_parameter_end)(void *handle, size_t index);
} plugin_ui_callbacks;
{{?it.product.parameters.length > 0}}
enum {
{{~it.product.parameters :p}}

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
* Tibia
* Copyright (C) 2024 Orastron Srl unipersonale
* Tibia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Tibia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tibia. If not, see <>.
* File author: Stefano D'Angelo
var path = require("path");
var sep = path.sep;
module.exports = function (data, api) {
api.generateFileFromTemplateFile(`src${sep}plugin_api.h`, `src${sep}plugin_api.h`, data);

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"
# include <algorithm> # include <algorithm>

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"

View File

@ -21,13 +21,14 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
#include "vst3_c_api.h" #include "vst3_c_api.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"
#ifdef DATA_UI #ifdef DATA_UI
# include "plugin_ui.h" # include "plugin_ui.h"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
#include <stddef.h> #include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "data.h" #include "data.h"
#include "plugin_api.h"
#include "plugin.h" #include "plugin.h"
#include "string.h" #include "string.h"

View File

@ -68,17 +68,17 @@ static void plugin_reset(plugin *instance) {
static void plugin_set_parameter(plugin *instance, size_t index, float value) { static void plugin_set_parameter(plugin *instance, size_t index, float value) {
switch (index) { switch (index) {
case plugin_parameter_gain: case 0:
//approx instance->gain = powf(10.f, 0.05f * value); //approx instance->gain = powf(10.f, 0.05f * value);
instance->gain = ((2.6039890429412597e-4f * value + 0.032131027163547855f) * value + 1.f) / ((0.0012705124328080768f * value - 0.0666763481312185f) * value + 1.f); instance->gain = ((2.6039890429412597e-4f * value + 0.032131027163547855f) * value + 1.f) / ((0.0012705124328080768f * value - 0.0666763481312185f) * value + 1.f);
break; break;
case plugin_parameter_delay: case 1:
instance->delay = 0.001f * value; instance->delay = 0.001f * value;
break; break;
case plugin_parameter_cutoff: case 2:
instance->cutoff = value; instance->cutoff = value;
break; break;
case plugin_parameter_bypass: case 3:
instance->bypass = value >= 0.5f; instance->bypass = value >= 0.5f;
break; break;
} }

View File

@ -1,39 +1,32 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
dir=`dirname $0` dir=`dirname $0`
$dir/../tibia $dir/product.json,$dir/company.json $dir/../templates/common $dir/../out/vst3
$dir/../tibia $dir/product.json,$dir/company.json,$dir/vst3.json $dir/../templates/vst3 $dir/../out/vst3 $dir/../tibia $dir/product.json,$dir/company.json,$dir/vst3.json $dir/../templates/vst3 $dir/../out/vst3
$dir/../tibia $dir/product.json,$dir/company.json,$dir/vst3.json,$dir/vst3-make.json $dir/../templates/vst3-make $dir/../out/vst3 $dir/../tibia $dir/product.json,$dir/company.json,$dir/vst3.json,$dir/vst3-make.json $dir/../templates/vst3-make $dir/../out/vst3
cp $dir/plugin.h $dir/plugin_ui.h $dir/../out/vst3/src cp $dir/plugin.h $dir/plugin_ui.h $dir/../out/vst3/src
$dir/../tibia $dir/product.json,$dir/company.json $dir/../templates/common $dir/../out/lv2
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