597 lines
18 KiB
597 lines
18 KiB
* Brickworks
* Copyright (C) 2022, 2023 Orastron Srl unipersonale
* Brickworks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Brickworks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Brickworks. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* File author: Stefano D'Angelo
* module_type {{{ dsp }}}
* version {{{ 1.0.0 }}}
* requires {{{ bw_common bw_math bw_one_pole }}}
* description {{{
* Linear ADSR envelope generator.
* * In the off phase (gate off and possible previous release phase ended),
* the output is `0.f`;
* * in the attack phase the output increases from `0.f` to `1.f`;
* * in the decay phase the output decreases from `1.f` to the given sustain
* level;
* * in the sustain phase the output stays constant;
* * in the release phase the output decreases from the current level to
* `0.f`.
* Attack, decay, and release time parameters are not actually controlling
* times but rather slopes. If all phases of the ADSR fully execute, then the
* actual times will match the parameter settings.
* }}}
* changelog {{{
* <ul>
* <li>Version <strong>1.0.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>Renamed <code>bw_env_gen_update_state_ctrl()</code> as
* <code>bw_env_gen_process_ctrl()</code>.</li>
* <li><code>bw_env_gen_process()</code> and
* <code>bw_env_gen_process_multi()</code> now use
* <code>size_t</code> to count samples and channels.</li>
* <li>Added more <code>const</code> and <code>BW_RESTRICT</code>
* specifiers to input arguments and implementation.</li>
* <li>Moved C++ code to C header.</li>
* <li>Added overladed C++ <code>process()</code> function taking
* C-style arrays as arguments.</li>
* <li>Removed usage of reserved identifiers.</li>
* <li>Added pragmas to silence bogus GCC uninitialized variable
* warnings.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Version <strong>0.6.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>Removed dependency on bw_config.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Version <strong>0.5.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>Added <code>bw_env_follow_process_multi()</code>.</li>
* <li>Added <code>gate</code> argument to
* <code>bw_env_gen_update_state_ctrl()</code> and
* <code>bw_env_gen_process()</code>, and removed gate
* parameter.</li>
* <li>Added C++ wrapper.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Version <strong>0.4.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>Fixed unused parameter warnings.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Version <strong>0.3.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>Avoid a warning related to a potentially uninitialized
* variable.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Version <strong>0.2.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>Refactored API.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Version <strong>0.1.0</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li>First release.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* }}}
#ifndef BW_ENV_GEN_H
#define BW_ENV_GEN_H
#include <bw_common.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*! api {{{
* #### bw_env_gen_coeffs
* ```>>> */
typedef struct bw_env_gen_coeffs bw_env_gen_coeffs;
/*! <<<```
* Coefficients and related.
* #### bw_env_gen_state
* ```>>> */
typedef struct bw_env_gen_state bw_env_gen_state;
/*! <<<```
* Internal state and related.
* #### bw_env_gen_phase
* ```>>> */
typedef enum {
} bw_env_gen_phase;
/*! <<<```
* Envelope generator phase:
* * `bw_env_gen_phase_off`: off phase;
* * `bw_env_gen_phase_attack`: attack phase;
* * `bw_env_gen_phase_decay`: decay phase;
* * `bw_env_gen_phase_sustain`: sustain phase;
* * `bw_env_gen_phase_release`: release phase.
* #### bw_env_gen_init()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_init(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs);
/*! <<<```
* Initializes input parameter values in `coeffs`.
* #### bw_env_gen_set_sample_rate()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_sample_rate(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float sample_rate);
/*! <<<```
* Sets the `sample_rate` (Hz) value in `coeffs`.
* #### bw_env_gen_reset_coeffs()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_reset_coeffs(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs);
/*! <<<```
* Resets coefficients in `coeffs` to assume their target values.
* #### bw_env_gen_reset_state()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_reset_state(const bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state);
/*! <<<```
* Resets the given `state` to its initial values using the given `coeffs`.
* #### bw_env_gen_update_coeffs_ctrl()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_update_coeffs_ctrl(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs);
/*! <<<```
* Triggers control-rate update of coefficients in `coeffs`.
* #### bw_env_gen_update_coeffs_audio()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_update_coeffs_audio(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs);
/*! <<<```
* Triggers audio-rate update of coefficients in `coeffs`.
* #### bw_env_gen_process_ctrl()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_process_ctrl(const bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state, char gate);
/*! <<<```
* Triggers control-rate update of the internal `state` using `coeffs` and
* the given `gate` value (`0` for off, non-`0` for on).
* #### bw_env_gen_process1()
* ```>>> */
static inline float bw_env_gen_process1(const bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state);
/*! <<<```
* Generates and returns one sample using `coeffs`, while using and updating
* `state` (audio rate only).
* #### bw_env_gen_process()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_process(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state, char gate, float *BW_RESTRICT y, size_t n_samples);
/*! <<<```
* Generates and fills the first `n_samples` of the output buffer `y` using
* the given `gate` value (`0` for off, non-`0` for on), while using and
* updating both `coeffs` and `state` (control and audio rate).
* `y` may be `NULL`.
* #### bw_env_gen_process_multi()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_process_multi(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT const *BW_RESTRICT state, const char *BW_RESTRICT gate, float *BW_RESTRICT const *BW_RESTRICT y, size_t n_channels, size_t n_samples);
/*! <<<```
* Generates and fills the first `n_samples` of the `n_channels` output
* buffers `y` using the given `n_channels` `gate` values (`0` for off,
* non-`0` for on), while using and updating both the common `coeffs` and
* each of the `n_channels` `state`s (control and audio rate).
* `y` or any element of `y` may be `NULL`.
* #### bw_env_gen_set_attack()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_attack(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value);
/*! <<<```
* Sets the attack time to `value` (s) in `coeffs`.
* `value` must be smaller than `1e9f`.
* Default value: `0.f`.
* #### bw_env_gen_set_decay()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_decay(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value);
/*! <<<```
* Sets the decay time to `value` (s) in `coeffs`.
* `value` must be smaller than `1e9f`.
* Default value: `0.f`.
* #### bw_env_gen_set_sustain()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_sustain(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value);
/*! <<<```
* Sets the sustain level to `value` in `coeffs`.
* Default value: `1.f`.
* #### bw_env_gen_set_release()
* ```>>> */
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_release(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value);
/*! <<<```
* Sets the release time to `value` (s) in `coeffs`.
* `value` must be smaller than `1e9f`.
* Default value: `0.f`.
* #### bw_env_gen_get_phase()
* ```>>> */
static inline bw_env_gen_phase bw_env_gen_get_phase(const bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state);
/*! <<<```
* Returns the current envelope generator phase as stored in `state`.
* #### bw_env_gen_get_y_z1()
* ```>>> */
static inline float bw_env_gen_get_y_z1(const bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state);
/*! <<<```
* Returns the last output sample as stored in `state`.
* }}} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/*** Implementation ***/
/* WARNING: This part of the file is not part of the public API. Its content may
* change at any time in future versions. Please, do not use it directly. */
#include <bw_math.h>
#include <bw_one_pole.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct bw_env_gen_coeffs {
// Sub-components
bw_one_pole_coeffs smooth_coeffs;
// Coefficients
float T;
float attack_inc;
float decay_inc;
float release_inc;
// Parameters
float attack;
float decay;
float sustain;
float release;
int param_changed;
struct bw_env_gen_state {
bw_env_gen_phase phase;
float y_z1;
bw_one_pole_state smooth_state;
#define BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_DECAY (1<<1)
static inline void bw_env_gen_init(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs) {
bw_one_pole_set_tau(&coeffs->smooth_coeffs, 0.05f);
coeffs->attack = 0.f;
coeffs->decay = 0.f;
coeffs->sustain = 1.f;
coeffs->release = 0.f;
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_sample_rate(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float sample_rate) {
bw_one_pole_set_sample_rate(&coeffs->smooth_coeffs, sample_rate);
coeffs->T = 1.f / sample_rate;
static inline void bw_env_gen_reset_coeffs(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs) {
coeffs->param_changed = ~0;
static inline void bw_env_gen_reset_state(const bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state) {
state->phase = bw_env_gen_phase_off;
state->y_z1 = 0.f;
static inline void bw_env_gen_update_coeffs_ctrl(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs) {
if (coeffs->param_changed) {
// 1 ns considered instantaneous
if (coeffs->param_changed & BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_ATTACK)
coeffs->attack_inc = coeffs->attack > 1e-9f ? coeffs->T * bw_rcpf(coeffs->attack) : INFINITY;
if (coeffs->param_changed & (BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_DECAY | BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_SUSTAIN))
coeffs->decay_inc = coeffs->decay > 1e-9f ? (coeffs->sustain - 1.f) * coeffs->T * bw_rcpf(coeffs->decay) : -INFINITY;
if (coeffs->param_changed & (BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_SUSTAIN | BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_RELEASE))
coeffs->release_inc = coeffs->release > 1e-9f ? -coeffs->sustain * coeffs->T * bw_rcpf(coeffs->release) : -INFINITY;
static inline void bw_env_gen_update_coeffs_audio(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs) {
static inline void bw_env_gen_process_ctrl(const bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state, char gate) {
if (gate) {
if (state->phase == bw_env_gen_phase_off || state->phase == bw_env_gen_phase_release)
state->phase = bw_env_gen_phase_attack;
} else {
if (state->phase != bw_env_gen_phase_off)
state->phase = bw_env_gen_phase_release;
static inline float bw_env_gen_process1(const bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state) {
float v = 0.f;
switch (state->phase) {
case bw_env_gen_phase_attack:
v = state->y_z1 + coeffs->attack_inc;
if (v >= 1.f) {
v = 1.f;
state->phase = bw_env_gen_phase_decay;
case bw_env_gen_phase_decay:
v = state->y_z1 + coeffs->decay_inc;
if (v <= coeffs->sustain) {
v = coeffs->sustain;
state->phase = bw_env_gen_phase_sustain;
bw_one_pole_reset_state(&coeffs->smooth_coeffs, &state->smooth_state, coeffs->sustain);
case bw_env_gen_phase_sustain:
v = bw_one_pole_process1(&coeffs->smooth_coeffs, &state->smooth_state, coeffs->sustain);
case bw_env_gen_phase_release:
v = state->y_z1 + coeffs->release_inc;
if (v <= 0.f) {
v = 0.f;
state->phase = bw_env_gen_phase_off;
case bw_env_gen_phase_off:
v = 0.f;
state->y_z1 = v;
return v;
static inline void bw_env_gen_process(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state, char gate, float *BW_RESTRICT y, size_t n_samples) {
bw_env_gen_process_ctrl(coeffs, state, gate);
if (y != NULL)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++)
y[i] = bw_env_gen_process1(coeffs, state);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++)
bw_env_gen_process1(coeffs, state);
static inline void bw_env_gen_process_multi(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT const *BW_RESTRICT state, const char *BW_RESTRICT gate, float *BW_RESTRICT const *BW_RESTRICT y, size_t n_channels, size_t n_samples) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < n_channels; j++)
bw_env_gen_process_ctrl(coeffs, state[j], gate[j]);
if (y != NULL)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < n_channels; j++) {
const float v = bw_env_gen_process1(coeffs, state[j]);
if (y[j] != NULL)
y[j][i] = v;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < n_channels; j++)
bw_env_gen_process1(coeffs, state[j]);
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_attack(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value) {
if (coeffs->attack != value) {
coeffs->attack = value;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
coeffs->param_changed |= BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_ATTACK;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_decay(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value) {
if (coeffs->decay != value) {
coeffs->decay = value;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
coeffs->param_changed |= BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_DECAY;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_sustain(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value) {
if (coeffs->sustain != value) {
coeffs->sustain = value;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
coeffs->param_changed |= BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_SUSTAIN;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static inline void bw_env_gen_set_release(bw_env_gen_coeffs *BW_RESTRICT coeffs, float value) {
if (coeffs->release != value) {
coeffs->release = value;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
coeffs->param_changed |= BW_ENV_GEN_PARAM_RELEASE;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static inline bw_env_gen_phase bw_env_gen_get_phase(const bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state) {
return state->phase;
static inline float bw_env_gen_get_y_z1(const bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT state) {
return state->y_z1;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <array>
namespace Brickworks {
/*** Public C++ API ***/
/*! api_cpp {{{
* ##### Brickworks::EnvGen
* ```>>> */
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
class EnvGen {
void setSampleRate(float sampleRate);
void reset();
void process(
const char *BW_RESTRICT gate,
float *BW_RESTRICT const *BW_RESTRICT y,
size_t nSamples);
void process(
std::array<char, N_CHANNELS> gate,
std::array<float *BW_RESTRICT, N_CHANNELS> y,
size_t nSamples);
void setAttack(float value);
void setDecay(float value);
void setSustain(float value);
void setRelease(float value);
bw_env_gen_phase getPhase(size_t channel);
float getYZ1(size_t channel);
/*! <<<...
* }
* ```
* }}} */
/*** Implementation ***/
/* WARNING: This part of the file is not part of the public API. Its content may
* change at any time in future versions. Please, do not use it directly. */
bw_env_gen_coeffs coeffs;
bw_env_gen_state states[N_CHANNELS];
bw_env_gen_state *BW_RESTRICT statesP[N_CHANNELS];
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::EnvGen() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CHANNELS; i++)
statesP[i] = states + i;
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::setSampleRate(float sampleRate) {
bw_env_gen_set_sample_rate(&coeffs, sampleRate);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::reset() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CHANNELS; i++)
bw_env_gen_reset_state(&coeffs, states + i);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::process(
const char *BW_RESTRICT gate,
float *BW_RESTRICT const *BW_RESTRICT y,
size_t nSamples) {
bw_env_gen_process_multi(&coeffs, statesP, gate, y, N_CHANNELS, nSamples);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::process(
std::array<char, N_CHANNELS> gate,
std::array<float *BW_RESTRICT, N_CHANNELS> y,
size_t nSamples) {
process(gate.data(), y.data(), nSamples);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::setAttack(float value) {
bw_env_gen_set_attack(&coeffs, value);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::setDecay(float value) {
bw_env_gen_set_decay(&coeffs, value);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::setSustain(float value) {
bw_env_gen_set_sustain(&coeffs, value);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline void EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::setRelease(float value) {
bw_env_gen_set_release(&coeffs, value);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline bw_env_gen_phase EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::getPhase(size_t channel) {
return bw_env_gen_get_phase(states + channel);
template<size_t N_CHANNELS>
inline float EnvGen<N_CHANNELS>::getYZ1(size_t channel) {
return bw_env_gen_get_y_z1(states + channel);