
101 lines
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* android, ios
* debugging (design by contract?, trace calls?)
* check all examples again
* osc post filter (and one pole init, slew rate, etc.) val from input? set state instead?
* audio rate optional pulse width/slope inputs?
* should rather use backward Euler in bw_onepole?
* one pole process const input? (return also if const out)
* check const restrict etc.
* define BW_RESTRICT to __restrict or similar when the compiler supports it
* empty functions etc. to keep consistency and forward compatibility?
* float in [-1,1] for velocity, pitch bend, mod wheel
* should clip slope in triangle?
* common smoothing policy (as control rate as possible?) - smoothing control?
* svf bandpass out polarity too confusing (inverted in mm2)?
* better common config.h (less stuff maybe, or more stuff - decide)
* pan process with no out: should just reset coeffs?
* get_y_z1, common strategy?
* sqrt(0) and corner cases, common strategy?
* use BW_SIZE_T, check constant types
* bw_satur gain compensation to divide by actual gain (derivative) rather than gain parameter?
* cite papers, thank authors
* add initial state (x0) to reset state of lp1, ap1, mm1, hs1, ls1, others? all?
* bw_comb: should also modulate feedback?
* bw_comb: integer target delay values?
* bw_svf/lp1 automatically limited (max) prewarp frequency to avoid instability?
* prewarp control in all derived filtering modules
* bw_math: review types
* src inside distortions? w/ control from outside?
* bw_fuzz gain compensation?
* remove union value = {.f = v};? (std c++ latest) - C++ compound literals...
* make gain of distortions homogeneous?
* max_delay -> set sample rate? see reverb
* revise typedef style (see
* x_y vs xy var names
* don't use reserved identifiers (
* update state ctrl -> process ctrl?
* mem req -> return value of set sample rate?
* peak gain + Q ???
* bwpp -> bwxx
* sr_reduce reset_coeffs? update_coeffs? process_multi?
* fix definitions leading to X ** -> const X ** error, fix fx_balance, fx_pan, synth_poly
* drywet -> dry_wet, ringmod -> ring_mod, etc?
* allow nullptr in C++ wrappers where process_multi arg can be NULL
* better src filter
* bw_env_gen process_multi gate const?
* c++ get coeffs/state? or public? src nIn/OutSamples case (array vs single value), delay read/write, process1? process single?
* bw_buf invert src dest order?
* check unititialized warnings
* voice alloc mode -> voice alloc priority
build system:
* single header generation
post 1.0.0
* blep etc in a module?
* optimize triangle generation for constant pulse width
* compute bit depth reduction only when input changes? (state, option?)
* avoid "force" in coeffs update by using inline functions?
* csch for bw_peak bandwidth -> Q, inv sqrt ls2 hs2
* separate tests and examples?
* define common midi CCs for examples
* MEM_REQ_ROUGH() macro?
* web examples: need to export memset?
* check unused param warning visual studio
* float -> double, etc. ?
* bw_buf_copy (to be used in bw_slew_lim)?
* src post filt?
* web examples construction/destruction
* web effect mono->stereo and stereo->mono inputs? or display "input needs to be n channels"?
* fix vst3 mapped values (visible in Ableton Live) and short names
* polish examples (ranges, etc.)
build system:
* make makefiles handle paths with spaces etc
* can run su on windows? (system-wide install)
* make autodependencies (.d?) -
* make from... directories
* recursive make?
* make hashdeps (
* VC, XCode, etc project files?
* single header(s)
* cross compile (rpi etc.)
* sample rate-constant coeffs? (pan case)
* sr-dependent vs cr-dependent coeffs? see synth poly example