tibia instructions

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Stefano D'Angelo 2024-02-23 11:54:03 +01:00
parent ed80795731
commit c39e1df4a5

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Each of these examples consists of a common part of code, shared by all examples, which contains all necessary boilerplate code and is not Brickworks-related, and a specific part which actually implements the audio engine. The common code is copied/generated by an external tool called [Tibia](https://github.com/sdangelo/tibia). If you downloaded an official Brickworks release you don't need to care about any of this - all needed files will already be present -, otherwise you first need to [run Tibia as outlined below](#tibia). You might also want to do that if you need to edit the location of third-party dependencies (this is better explained in the following platform-specific instructions).
Each subfolder contains an example, except the `common` folder, which contains a good deal of common code and common Tibia metadata. In order to build an example just `cd` to `*example*/*platform*` and use the following platform-specific instructions. Building for any platform requires a recent enough version of [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) installed.
Each subfolder contains an example, except the `common` folder, which contains a good deal of common code and common Tibia metadata. In order to build an example just `cd` to <code>*example*/*platform*</code> and use the following platform-specific instructions. Building for any platform requires a recent enough version of [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) installed.
## VST3
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ If all went fine, you can branch your device and install using `make install` or
Effect examples process audio input signals, therefore they will require permission to use the capture device.
Synth examples use input MIDI. While they are coded to support hotplugging, this doesn't seem to work as expected on the devices we tested. You'll need to press "STOP" and then "START" again after plugging a new device.
Synth examples use input MIDI and support hotplugging.
## iOS
@ -135,4 +135,10 @@ Synth examples use input MIDI and support hotplugging.
## Tibia
You need [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) to be installed.
Get [Tibia 0.0.1](https://github.com/sdangelo/tibia/releases/tag/v0.0.1), place it in the same directory as the Brickworks folder, and rename it as `tibia`. Then either `cd` to the Tibia folder and `npm install dot`, or install the [dot npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dot) globally and make sure that the `NODE_PATH` environment variable is corretly set to find it.
Now you can `cd` to the `examples` folder and run `./tibia_gen.sh` to copy/generate files for all examples, or otherwise run `./tibia_gen.sh common` to only copy/generate files in `examples/common` or <code>./tibia\_gen.sh *example*</code> to do the same for files in </code>examples/*example*<code>.
If you want to remove all files copied/generated by Tibia, and thus restore the `examples` directory as it would appear in the official repository, run `./tibia_clean.sh` from the `examples` directory.