some synth(pp)_poly optimization + synth_mono cosmetics
This commit is contained in:
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
const char sync = instance->sync_left == instance->sync_count;
// osc 3
// vco 3
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->vco3_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->vco3_phase_gen_state, NULL, out, instance->buf[0], n);
switch (instance->vco3_waveform_cur) {
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
if (sync)
instance->mod_k = instance->buf[1][0];
// osc 1
// vco 1
bw_buf_scale(instance->buf[1], instance->vco1_modulation, instance->buf[2], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->vco1_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->vco1_phase_gen_state, instance->buf[2], instance->buf[2], instance->buf[3], n);
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
// osc 2
// vco 2
bw_buf_scale(instance->buf[1], instance->vco2_modulation, instance->buf[1], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->vco2_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->vco2_phase_gen_state, instance->buf[1], instance->buf[1], instance->buf[3], n);
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ typedef struct plugin {
voice voices[N_VOICES];
size_t sync_count;
float noise_kv[2];
uint64_t rand_state;
float master_tune;
@ -116,11 +117,20 @@ typedef struct plugin {
float mod_wheel;
size_t sync_left;
char vco3_waveform_cur;
char noise_color_cur;
char vco1_waveform_cur;
char vco2_waveform_cur;
float buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
float * b0[N_VOICES];
float * b1[N_VOICES];
float * b2[N_VOICES];
float * b3[N_VOICES];
float * b4[N_VOICES];
bw_osc_filt_state * osc_filt_states[N_VOICES];
bw_pink_filt_state * pink_filt_states[N_VOICES];
bw_env_gen_state * vcf_env_gen_states[N_VOICES];
bw_env_gen_state * vca_env_gen_states[N_VOICES];
} plugin;
static void plugin_init(plugin *instance) {
@ -160,6 +170,19 @@ static void plugin_init(plugin *instance) {
bw_phase_gen_set_frequency(&instance->a440_phase_gen_coeffs, 440.f);
instance->rand_state = 0xbaddecaf600dfeed;
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; j++) {
instance->b0[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[0];
instance->b1[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[1];
instance->b2[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[2];
instance->b3[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[3];
instance->b4[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[4];
instance->osc_filt_states[i] = &instance->voices[i].osc_filt_state;
instance->pink_filt_states[i] = &instance->voices[i].pink_filt_state;
instance->vcf_env_gen_states[i] = &instance->voices[i].vcf_env_gen_state;
instance->vca_env_gen_states[i] = &instance->voices[i].vca_env_gen_state;
static void plugin_fini(plugin *instance) {
@ -194,6 +217,9 @@ static void plugin_set_sample_rate(plugin *instance, float sample_rate) {
instance->sync_count = (size_t)bw_roundf(sample_rate * SYNC_RATE);
instance->noise_kv[0] = 6.f * bw_noise_gen_get_scaling_k(&instance->noise_gen_coeffs) * bw_pink_filt_get_scaling_k(&instance->pink_filt_coeffs);
instance->noise_kv[1] = 0.1f * bw_noise_gen_get_scaling_k(&instance->noise_gen_coeffs);
static size_t plugin_mem_req(plugin *instance) {
@ -256,7 +282,6 @@ static void plugin_reset(plugin *instance) {
instance->mod_wheel = 0.f;
instance->sync_left = instance->sync_count;
instance->vco3_waveform_cur = instance->vco3_waveform;
instance->noise_color_cur = instance->noise_color;
instance->vco1_waveform_cur = instance->vco1_waveform;
instance->vco2_waveform_cur = instance->vco2_waveform;
@ -467,7 +492,7 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
const float df3 = instance->vco3_coarse + instance->pitch_bend + (8.333333333333333e-2f * 0.01f) * instance->vco3_fine;
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; i++) {
int n = instance->voices[i].note - 69;
int n3 = instance->vco3_kbd_ctrl ? instance->voices[i].note - 69 : -69;
int n3 = instance->vco3_kbd_ctrl ? n : -69;
bw_phase_gen_set_frequency(&instance->voices[i].vco1_phase_gen_coeffs, instance->master_tune * bw_pow2f(df1 + 8.333333333333333e-2f * n));
bw_phase_gen_set_frequency(&instance->voices[i].vco2_phase_gen_coeffs, instance->master_tune * bw_pow2f(df2 + 8.333333333333333e-2f * n));
bw_phase_gen_set_frequency(&instance->voices[i].vco3_phase_gen_coeffs, instance->master_tune * bw_pow2f(df3 + 8.333333333333333e-2f * n3));
@ -485,13 +510,6 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
instance->vco3_waveform_cur = instance->vco3_waveform;
if (instance->noise_color_cur != instance->noise_color) {
if (instance->noise_color == 2)
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
bw_pink_filt_reset_state(&instance->pink_filt_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].pink_filt_state, 0.f);
instance->noise_color_cur = instance->noise_color;
if (instance->vco1_waveform_cur != instance->vco1_waveform) {
switch (instance->vco1_waveform) {
case 2:
@ -516,25 +534,24 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
instance->vco2_waveform_cur = instance->vco2_waveform;
// synchronous control-rate and audio-rate operations
const float cutoff_unmapped = 0.1447648273010839f * bw_logf(0.05f * instance->vcf_cutoff);
static const float cutoff_kbd_kv[4] = {
0.f, // off
0.629960524947437f * 8.333333333333333e-2f, // 1/3
0.793700525984100f * 8.333333333333333e-2f, // 2/3
8.333333333333333e-2f // full
float cutoff_kbd_k[N_VOICES];
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; i++)
cutoff_kbd_k[i] = bw_pow2f(cutoff_kbd_kv[instance->vcf_kbd_ctrl - 1] * (instance->voices[i].note - 60));
const float noise_k = instance->noise_kv[instance->noise_color - 1];
float *b0[N_VOICES], *b1[N_VOICES], *b2[N_VOICES], *b3[N_VOICES], *b4[N_VOICES];
char gates[N_VOICES];
bw_osc_filt_state *osc_filt_states[N_VOICES];
bw_pink_filt_state *pink_filt_states[N_VOICES];
bw_env_gen_state *vcf_env_gen_states[N_VOICES], *vca_env_gen_states[N_VOICES];
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
b0[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[0];
b1[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[1];
b2[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[2];
b3[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[3];
b4[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[4];
gates[j] = instance->voices[j].gate;
osc_filt_states[j] = &instance->voices[j].osc_filt_state;
pink_filt_states[j] = &instance->voices[j].pink_filt_state;
vcf_env_gen_states[j] = &instance->voices[j].vcf_env_gen_state;
vca_env_gen_states[j] = &instance->voices[j].vca_env_gen_state;
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; i++)
gates[i] = instance->voices[i].gate;
// synchronous control-rate and audio-rate operations
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; ) {
float *out = outputs[0] + i;
@ -542,132 +559,116 @@ static void plugin_process(plugin *instance, const float **inputs, float **outpu
const char sync = instance->sync_left == instance->sync_count;
// osc 3
// vco 3
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->voices[j].vco3_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vco3_phase_gen_state, NULL, b0[j], b1[j], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->voices[j].vco3_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vco3_phase_gen_state, NULL, instance->b0[j], instance->b1[j], n);
switch (instance->vco3_waveform_cur) {
case 1:
bw_osc_saw_process_multi(&instance->vco_saw_coeffs, (const float **)b0, (const float **)b1, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_saw_process_multi(&instance->vco_saw_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b0, (const float **)instance->b1, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
case 2:
bw_osc_pulse_process_multi(&instance->vco3_pulse_coeffs, (const float **)b0, (const float **)b1, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_pulse_process_multi(&instance->vco3_pulse_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b0, (const float **)instance->b1, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_tri_process_multi(&instance->vco3_tri_coeffs, (const float **)b0, (const float **)b1, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_tri_process_multi(&instance->vco3_tri_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b0, (const float **)instance->b1, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
// noise generator
bw_noise_gen_process_multi(&instance->noise_gen_coeffs, b1, N_VOICES, n);
if (instance->noise_color_cur == 2)
bw_pink_filt_process_multi(&instance->pink_filt_coeffs, pink_filt_states, (const float **)b1, b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_scale_multi((const float * const *)b1, 5.f, b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_noise_gen_process_multi(&instance->noise_gen_coeffs, instance->b1, N_VOICES, n);
if (instance->noise_color == 2)
bw_pink_filt_process_multi(&instance->pink_filt_coeffs, instance->pink_filt_states, (const float **)instance->b1, instance->b1, N_VOICES, n);
// no need to ever reset pink filt, as inputs are noise and filters are static
bw_buf_scale_multi((const float * const *)instance->b1, 5.f, instance->b1, N_VOICES, n);
// modulation signals
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
b2[j][k] = instance->mod_wheel * (b0[j][k] + instance->modulation_mix * (b1[j][k] - b0[j][k]));
instance->b2[j][k] = instance->mod_wheel * (instance->b0[j][k] + instance->modulation_mix * (instance->b1[j][k] - instance->b0[j][k]));
if (sync)
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
instance->voices[j].mod_k = b2[j][0];
instance->voices[j].mod_k = instance->b2[j][0];
// osc 1
// vco 1
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
bw_buf_scale(b2[j], instance->vco1_modulation, b3[j], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->voices[j].vco1_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vco1_phase_gen_state, b3[j], b3[j], b4[j], n);
bw_buf_scale(instance->b2[j], instance->vco1_modulation, instance->b3[j], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->voices[j].vco1_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vco1_phase_gen_state, instance->b3[j], instance->b3[j], instance->b4[j], n);
switch (instance->vco1_waveform_cur) {
case 1:
bw_osc_saw_process_multi(&instance->vco_saw_coeffs, (const float **)b3, (const float **)b4, b3, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_saw_process_multi(&instance->vco_saw_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b3, (const float **)instance->b4, instance->b3, N_VOICES, n);
case 2:
bw_osc_pulse_process_multi(&instance->vco1_pulse_coeffs, (const float **)b3, (const float **)b4, b3, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_pulse_process_multi(&instance->vco1_pulse_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b3, (const float **)instance->b4, instance->b3, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_tri_process_multi(&instance->vco1_tri_coeffs, (const float **)b3, (const float **)b4, b3, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_tri_process_multi(&instance->vco1_tri_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b3, (const float **)instance->b4, instance->b3, N_VOICES, n);
// osc 2
// vco 2
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
bw_buf_scale(b2[j], instance->vco2_modulation, b2[j], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->voices[j].vco2_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vco2_phase_gen_state, b2[j], b2[j], b4[j], n);
bw_buf_scale(instance->b2[j], instance->vco2_modulation, instance->b2[j], n);
bw_phase_gen_process(&instance->voices[j].vco2_phase_gen_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vco2_phase_gen_state, instance->b2[j], instance->b2[j], instance->b4[j], n);
switch (instance->vco2_waveform_cur) {
case 1:
bw_osc_saw_process_multi(&instance->vco_saw_coeffs, (const float **)b2, (const float **)b4, b2, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_saw_process_multi(&instance->vco_saw_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b2, (const float **)instance->b4, instance->b2, N_VOICES, n);
case 2:
bw_osc_pulse_process_multi(&instance->vco2_pulse_coeffs, (const float **)b2, (const float **)b4, b2, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_pulse_process_multi(&instance->vco2_pulse_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b2, (const float **)instance->b4, instance->b2, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_tri_process_multi(&instance->vco2_tri_coeffs, (const float **)b2, (const float **)b4, b2, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_tri_process_multi(&instance->vco2_tri_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b2, (const float **)instance->b4, instance->b2, N_VOICES, n);
// mixer
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->vco1_gain_coeffs, (const float **)b3, b3, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->vco2_gain_coeffs, (const float **)b2, b2, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->vco3_gain_coeffs, (const float **)b0, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->noise_gain_coeffs, (const float **)b1, b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mix_multi((const float * const *)b0, (const float * const *)b2, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mix_multi((const float * const *)b0, (const float * const *)b3, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->vco1_gain_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b3, instance->b3, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->vco2_gain_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b2, instance->b2, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->vco3_gain_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b0, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_gain_process_multi(&instance->noise_gain_coeffs, (const float **)instance->b1, instance->b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mix_multi((const float * const *)instance->b0, (const float * const *)instance->b2, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mix_multi((const float * const *)instance->b0, (const float * const *)instance->b3, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_filt_process_multi(osc_filt_states, (const float **)b0, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_osc_filt_process_multi(instance->osc_filt_states, (const float **)instance->b0, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
const float k = instance->noise_color_cur == 2
? 6.f * bw_noise_gen_get_scaling_k(&instance->noise_gen_coeffs) * bw_pink_filt_get_scaling_k(&instance->pink_filt_coeffs)
: 0.1f * bw_noise_gen_get_scaling_k(&instance->noise_gen_coeffs);
bw_buf_scale_multi((const float * const *)b1, k, b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mix_multi((const float * const *)b0, (const float * const *)b1, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_scale_multi((const float * const *)instance->b1, noise_k, instance->b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mix_multi((const float * const *)instance->b0, (const float * const *)instance->b1, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
// vcf
bw_env_gen_process_multi(&instance->vcf_env_gen_coeffs, vcf_env_gen_states, gates, NULL, N_VOICES, n);
bw_env_gen_process_multi(&instance->vcf_env_gen_coeffs, instance->vcf_env_gen_states, gates, NULL, N_VOICES, n);
if (sync)
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
instance->voices[j].vcf_env_k = bw_env_gen_get_y_z1(vcf_env_gen_states[j]);
const float cutoff_unmapped = 0.1447648273010839f * bw_logf(0.05f * instance->vcf_cutoff);
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
const float cutoff_vpos =
+ instance->vcf_contour * instance->voices[j].vcf_env_k
+ 0.3f * instance->vcf_modulation * instance->voices[j].mod_k;
float cutoff = 20.f * bw_expf(6.907755278982137 * cutoff_vpos);
switch (instance->vcf_kbd_ctrl) {
case 2: // 1/3
cutoff *= bw_pow2f((0.629960524947437f * 8.333333333333333e-2f) * (instance->voices[j].note - 60));
case 3: // 2/3
cutoff *= bw_pow2f((0.793700525984100f * 8.333333333333333e-2f) * (instance->voices[j].note - 60));
case 4: // full
cutoff *= bw_pow2f(8.333333333333333e-2f * (instance->voices[j].note - 60));
default: // off, do nothing
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
instance->voices[j].vcf_env_k = bw_env_gen_get_y_z1(instance->vcf_env_gen_states[j]);
const float cutoff_vpos =
+ instance->vcf_contour * instance->voices[j].vcf_env_k
+ 0.3f * instance->vcf_modulation * instance->voices[j].mod_k;
float cutoff = cutoff_kbd_k[j] * 20.f * bw_expf(6.907755278982137 * cutoff_vpos);
bw_svf_set_cutoff(&instance->voices[j].vcf_coeffs, bw_clipf(cutoff, 20.f, 20e3f));
bw_svf_set_cutoff(&instance->voices[j].vcf_coeffs, bw_clipf(cutoff, 20.f, 20e3f));
bw_svf_process(&instance->voices[j].vcf_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vcf_state, b0[j], b0[j], NULL, NULL, n);
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
bw_svf_process(&instance->voices[j].vcf_coeffs, &instance->voices[j].vcf_state, instance->b0[j], instance->b0[j], NULL, NULL, n);
// vca
bw_env_gen_process_multi(&instance->vca_env_gen_coeffs, vca_env_gen_states, gates, b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mul_multi((const float * const *)b0, (const float * const *)b1, b0, N_VOICES, n);
bw_env_gen_process_multi(&instance->vca_env_gen_coeffs, instance->vca_env_gen_states, gates, instance->b1, N_VOICES, n);
bw_buf_mul_multi((const float * const *)instance->b0, (const float * const *)instance->b1, instance->b0, N_VOICES, n);
// mix voices
bw_buf_fill(0.f, out, n);
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
bw_buf_mix(out, b0[j], out, n);
bw_buf_mix(out, instance->b0[j], out, n);
// A 440 Hz osc
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ public:
Voice voices[N_VOICES];
size_t syncCount;
float noiseKV[2];
uint64_t randState;
float masterTune;
@ -120,11 +121,16 @@ public:
float modWheel;
size_t syncLeft;
char vco3WaveformCur;
char noiseColorCur;
char vco1WaveformCur;
char vco2WaveformCur;
float buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
float * b0[N_VOICES];
float * b1[N_VOICES];
float * b2[N_VOICES];
float * b3[N_VOICES];
float * b4[N_VOICES];
extern "C" {
@ -148,6 +154,11 @@ impl impl_new(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; i++) {
instance->voices[i].instance = instance;
instance->voices[i].index = i;
instance->b0[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[0];
instance->b1[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[1];
instance->b2[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[2];
instance->b3[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[3];
instance->b4[i] = instance->voices[i].buf[4];
return reinterpret_cast<impl>(instance);
@ -190,6 +201,9 @@ void impl_set_sample_rate(impl handle, float sample_rate) {
instance->syncCount = (size_t)bw_roundf(sample_rate * SYNC_RATE);
instance->noiseKV[0] = 6.f * instance->noiseGen.getScalingK() * instance->pinkFilt.getScalingK();
instance->noiseKV[1] = 0.1f * instance->noiseGen.getScalingK();
void impl_reset(impl handle) {
@ -233,7 +247,6 @@ void impl_reset(impl handle) {
instance->modWheel = 0.f;
instance->syncLeft = instance->syncCount;
instance->vco3WaveformCur = instance->vco3Waveform;
instance->noiseColorCur = instance->noiseColor;
instance->vco1WaveformCur = instance->vco1Waveform;
instance->vco2WaveformCur = instance->vco2Waveform;
@ -450,7 +463,7 @@ void impl_process(impl handle, const float **inputs, float **outputs, size_t n_s
const float df3 = instance->vco3Coarse + instance->pitchBend + (8.333333333333333e-2f * 0.01f) * instance->vco3Fine;
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; i++) {
int n = instance->voices[i].note - 69;
int n3 = instance->vco3KbdCtrl ? instance->voices[i].note - 69 : -69;
int n3 = instance->vco3KbdCtrl ? n : -69;
instance->voices[i].vco1PhaseGen.setFrequency(instance->masterTune * bw_pow2f(df1 + 8.333333333333333e-2f * n));
instance->voices[i].vco2PhaseGen.setFrequency(instance->masterTune * bw_pow2f(df2 + 8.333333333333333e-2f * n));
instance->voices[i].vco3PhaseGen.setFrequency(instance->masterTune * bw_pow2f(df3 + 8.333333333333333e-2f * n3));
@ -468,12 +481,6 @@ void impl_process(impl handle, const float **inputs, float **outputs, size_t n_s
instance->vco3WaveformCur = instance->vco3Waveform;
if (instance->noiseColorCur != instance->noiseColor) {
if (instance->noiseColor == 2)
instance->noiseColorCur = instance->noiseColor;
if (instance->vco1WaveformCur != instance->vco1Waveform) {
switch (instance->vco1Waveform) {
case 2:
@ -498,18 +505,24 @@ void impl_process(impl handle, const float **inputs, float **outputs, size_t n_s
instance->vco2WaveformCur = instance->vco2Waveform;
// synchronous control-rate and audio-rate operations
const float cutoffUnmapped = 0.1447648273010839f * bw_logf(0.05f * instance->vcfCutoff);
static const float cutoffKbdKV[4] = {
0.f, // off
0.629960524947437f * 8.333333333333333e-2f, // 1/3
0.793700525984100f * 8.333333333333333e-2f, // 2/3
8.333333333333333e-2f // full
float cutoffKbdK[N_VOICES];
for (int i = 0; i < N_VOICES; i++)
cutoffKbdK[i] = bw_pow2f(cutoffKbdKV[instance->vcfKbdCtrl - 1] * (instance->voices[i].note - 60));
float *b0[N_VOICES], *b1[N_VOICES], *b2[N_VOICES], *b3[N_VOICES], *b4[N_VOICES];
char g[N_VOICES];
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
b0[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[0];
b1[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[1];
b2[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[2];
b3[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[3];
b4[j] = instance->voices[j].buf[4];
g[j] = instance->voices[j].gate;
const float noiseK = instance->noiseKV[instance->noiseColor - 1];
char gates[N_VOICES];
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
gates[j] = instance->voices[j].gate;
// synchronous control-rate and audio-rate operations
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; ) {
float *out = outputs[0] + i;
@ -527,32 +540,33 @@ void impl_process(impl handle, const float **inputs, float **outputs, size_t n_s
switch (instance->vco3WaveformCur) {
case 1:
instance->vco3OscSaw.process(b0, b1, b0, n);
instance->vco3OscSaw.process(instance->b0, instance->b1, instance->b0, n);
case 2:
instance->vco3OscPulse.process(b0, b1, b0, n);
instance->vco3OscPulse.process(instance->b0, instance->b1, instance->b0, n);
instance->vco3OscTri.process(b0, b1, b0, n);
instance->vco3OscTri.process(instance->b0, instance->b1, instance->b0, n);
// noise generator
instance->noiseGen.process(b1, n);
if (instance->noiseColorCur == 2)
instance->pinkFilt.process(b1, b1, n);
bufScale<N_VOICES>(b1, 5.f, b1, n);
instance->noiseGen.process(instance->b1, n);
if (instance->noiseColor == 2)
instance->pinkFilt.process(instance->b1, instance->b1, n);
// no need to ever reset pink filt, as inputs are noise and filters are static
bufScale<N_VOICES>(instance->b1, 5.f, instance->b1, n);
// modulation signals
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
b2[j][k] = instance->modWheel * (b0[j][k] + instance->modulationMix * (b1[j][k] - b0[j][k]));
instance->b2[j][k] = instance->modWheel * (instance->b0[j][k] + instance->modulationMix * (instance->b1[j][k] - instance->b0[j][k]));
if (sync)
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
instance->voices[j].modK = b2[j][0];
instance->voices[j].modK = instance->b2[j][0];
// vco 1
@ -565,13 +579,13 @@ void impl_process(impl handle, const float **inputs, float **outputs, size_t n_s
switch (instance->vco1WaveformCur) {
case 1:
instance->vco1OscSaw.process(b3, b4, b3, n);
instance->vco1OscSaw.process(instance->b3, instance->b4, instance->b3, n);
case 2:
instance->vco1OscPulse.process(b3, b4, b3, n);
instance->vco1OscPulse.process(instance->b3, instance->b4, instance->b3, n);
instance->vco1OscTri.process(b3, b4, b3, n);
instance->vco1OscTri.process(instance->b3, instance->b4, instance->b3, n);
@ -585,68 +599,52 @@ void impl_process(impl handle, const float **inputs, float **outputs, size_t n_s
switch (instance->vco2WaveformCur) {
case 1:
instance->vco2OscSaw.process(b2, b4, b2, n);
instance->vco2OscSaw.process(instance->b2, instance->b4, instance->b2, n);
case 2:
instance->vco2OscPulse.process(b2, b4, b2, n);
instance->vco2OscPulse.process(instance->b2, instance->b4, instance->b2, n);
instance->vco2OscTri.process(b2, b4, b2, n);
instance->vco2OscTri.process(instance->b2, instance->b4, instance->b2, n);
// mixer
instance->vco1Gain.process(b3, b3, n);
instance->vco2Gain.process(b2, b2, n);
instance->vco3Gain.process(b0, b0, n);
instance->noiseGain.process(b1, b1, n);
bufMix<N_VOICES>(b0, b2, b0, n);
bufMix<N_VOICES>(b0, b3, b0, n);
instance->vco1Gain.process(instance->b3, instance->b3, n);
instance->vco2Gain.process(instance->b2, instance->b2, n);
instance->vco3Gain.process(instance->b0, instance->b0, n);
instance->noiseGain.process(instance->b1, instance->b1, n);
bufMix<N_VOICES>(instance->b0, instance->b2, instance->b0, n);
bufMix<N_VOICES>(instance->b0, instance->b3, instance->b0, n);
instance->oscFilt.process(b0, b0, n);
instance->oscFilt.process(instance->b0, instance->b0, n);
const float k = instance->noiseColorCur == 2
? 6.f * instance->noiseGen.getScalingK() * instance->pinkFilt.getScalingK()
: 0.1f * instance->noiseGen.getScalingK();
bufScale<N_VOICES>(b1, k, b1, n);
bufMix<N_VOICES>(b0, b1, b0, n);
bufScale<N_VOICES>(instance->b1, noiseK, instance->b1, n);
bufMix<N_VOICES>(instance->b0, instance->b1, instance->b0, n);
// vcf
instance->vcfEnvGen.process(g, nullptr, n);
instance->vcfEnvGen.process(gates, nullptr, n);
if (sync)
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++)
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
instance->voices[j].vcfEnvK = instance->vcfEnvGen.getYZ1(j);
const float cutoffUnmapped = 0.1447648273010839f * bw_logf(0.05f * instance->vcfCutoff);
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
const float cutoffVpos =
+ instance->vcfContour * instance->voices[j].vcfEnvK
+ 0.3f * instance->vcfModulation * instance->voices[j].modK;
float cutoff = 20.f * bw_expf(6.907755278982137 * cutoffVpos);
switch (instance->vcfKbdCtrl) {
case 2: // 1/3
cutoff *= bw_pow2f((0.629960524947437f * 8.333333333333333e-2f) * (instance->voices[j].note - 60));
case 3: // 2/3
cutoff *= bw_pow2f((0.793700525984100f * 8.333333333333333e-2f) * (instance->voices[j].note - 60));
case 4: // full
cutoff *= bw_pow2f(8.333333333333333e-2f * (instance->voices[j].note - 60));
default: // off, do nothing
const float cutoffVpos =
+ instance->vcfContour * instance->voices[j].vcfEnvK
+ 0.3f * instance->vcfModulation * instance->voices[j].modK;
float cutoff = cutoffKbdK[j] * 20.f * bw_expf(6.907755278982137 * cutoffVpos);
instance->voices[j].vcf.setCutoff(bw_clipf(cutoff, 20.f, 20e3f));
instance->voices[j].vcf.setCutoff(bw_clipf(cutoff, 20.f, 20e3f));
for (int j = 0; j < N_VOICES; j++) {
float *vb0[1] = {instance->voices[j].buf[0]};
instance->voices[j].vcf.process(vb0, vb0, nullptr, nullptr, n);
// vca
instance->vcaEnvGen.process(g, b1, n);
bufMul<N_VOICES>(b0, b1, b0, n);
instance->vcaEnvGen.process(gates, instance->b1, n);
bufMul<N_VOICES>(instance->b0, instance->b1, instance->b0, n);
// mix voices
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